Cant generate bot_jid due to internal server error

Recently when creating new chat bot or O Auth app with chat subscription I am unable to generate bot jid due to fail_register_robot_to_robot service.



  "messageSlash": "",
  "privateMessageUrl": "",
  "commands": [],
  "domainWhitelists": [],
  "sender": true,
  "welcomeMsg": {
    "title": "",
    "body": ""
  "actions": [],
  "botType": 0,
  "publicMessageUrl": ""


  "code": 1500,
  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "message": "fail_register_robot_to_robot_service",
  "tid": "ef53fb05263c7a20",
  "sid": "ef53fb05263c7a20",
  "timestamp": 1646003569893,
  "trackingId": "v=2.0;clid=us05;rid=MP_cfaca05901554fc9abe725020bc053ff"

This is happening from past 5 days. Creating new app is not solving the issue. The server is live and endpoints are working fine. Can you confirm if it is a bug from zoom ?

I think zoom is not allowing the users with gmail domains to create bot apps. Can you Confirm this?

It is a subscription service.

Previously 3 months back i am able to generate bot ids with regular gmail domain