Changing URL and logo

Hello, we are currently set up in the marketplace but have made some changes to our site/branding and need to update the page at App Marketplace

(I contacted support but they directed me to seek help here.)

Can we update the link for the “Visit site to install” button to Login to Your Mobile Text Alerts Control Panel without going through another app review? Currently it is leading to a “404” error. (We also need to update the logo.)


Hi @MTA,

Yes, you can update your install url by making the change in your app, but this will require a quick approval. This is not a full functional review, however, and should not take too long to get approved. You can do so by following these steps:


@will.zoom Thank you!

When trying to update, we’re seeing that we need to “Make sure all webhook and call back URLs that you have entered in the marketplace belong to the same domain”

Is it OK to have separate subdomains for webhook/callbacks, but both subdomains belonging to the same domain?

Hi @MTA,

It is ok to have URLs on separate domains — however, it may prevent you from submitting your app due to the mismatch. If this presents an issue for you, please write in with your app details and urls at and we can help.


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