CheckSystemRequirements() does not return computerAudio for Firefox 76+

CheckSystemRequirements() does not return computerAudio for Firefox 76+

ZoomMtg.checkSystemRequirements() does not return computerAudio in the features array but the feature is supported and works.

Which version?
1.7.8 (1.7.8_20200522_ES6_release - {date})

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Clone sample web app
  2. Start Local sample
  3. Open Firefox with version >= 76
  4. Open Firefox developer console (F12)
  5. Run ZoomMtg.checkSystemRequirements()
  6. Inspect the features array and see that computerAudio is not included
  7. Join a meeting using the sample app
  8. See that join using computer audio works

Screenshot 2020-06-05 at 15.47.34

Additional context
I’m using checkSystemRequirements() in my custom web app to check if computerAudio feature is enabled otherwise I redirect the user to Zoom join url. Now, after upgrading to 1.7.8, Firefox 76+ should have this feature but since I’m checking in this way it gives me a wrong result.

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Hey @diego.dalbosco,

Thanks for pointing this out, we will fix it! :slight_smile: (CS-1942)


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