Closing Registrations for a Webinar after a specific time

I am trying to figure out how to close registrations for a webinar on Zoom Webinars. I have searched through the Zoom API documentation and have tried using the Update Webinar API endpoint with the close_registration parameter set to “true”, but it seems that this method has been deprecated.

Is there a way to close registrations for a webinar on Zoom Webinars, through the API? If so, could you please provide me with some guidance on how to do this?

Thank you for your help!

Hi @mimran ,

There is no updated way to close registration via API. My suggestion is to programmatically set a condition to update the webinar approval within your code logic at a certain time.

You can PATCH the webinar from approval_type: 0 (automatically approve) to 1 (manually approve). From there, reject registrants accordingly.

Hope that helps!

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