We have implemented the system where we schedule meeting with api with our system. It is working fine for most of users, but for some hosts i am getting error message user does not exists, but user exists and a licensed type host in my account.
{ code: 1001,
message: ‘User does not exist: myHostId.’ } } }
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Using jwt token
Which Endpoint/s?
Kindly help me asap to find out the issue where it is going wrong.
Hey @gitesh.purbiya22
Thanks for posting on the Zoom Devforum! I am still learning, but I will try my best to help answer your question.
Checkout these related threads that may have the answer you are looking for:
I am new to the Zoom API. I need to use it on my company’s website. Our employees need to be trained and once it’s complete, they will be issued a Zoom license. We will have processes that will kick off the necessary calls to the Zoom API to create these new users and to add them to a group on the Zoom Account. I’m trying out the API’s to see which endpoints we need exactly with the Test Widget that can be found at each endpoint in the API docs. I am getting errors mostly because I …
We are working towards integrating Zoom into our existing EHR system for telehealth. We are following the instructions provided here
However we are facing an issue if we try to create a meeting with a user (email) who does’ t exists in our account. But as per the instructions given in the above link, if the requested user does not exists in the system then Zoom should auto-create account for that user and schedule the meeting,…
If these threads did not help, please let us know by replying back here and someone from the Developer Relations team will get back to you shortly.
(Tommy Gaessler)
August 3, 2020, 5:52pm
Hey @gitesh.purbiya22 ,
Please share the userID you are trying to create a meeting for, and your account # and I will look into the issue.
Should i share here, or need to share on your personal account or chat ?
(Tommy Gaessler)
August 5, 2020, 8:37pm
Hey @gitesh.purbiya22 ,
You can email it securely to with a description of the issue.
August 15, 2020, 8:38pm
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