Create event ticket missing scope "zoom_events:write:ticket"

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
POST /zoom_events/events/{eventId}/tickets

i want to create a ticket via the api, but I always get the error missing scope zoom_events:write:ticket.
I double checked that my app does have this specific scope marked. Also when retrieving the access token, i can see in the data / scopes-list this specific requested scope. Also, I have no issues calling other ticket related apis like GET /zoom_events/events/{eventId}/tickets or GET /zoom_events/events/{eventId}/tickets/{ticketId} . Please help me out on this, I believe there is an error regarding this specific scope validation.
Thanks in advance

{code: 124,message: ‘Invalid access token, does not contain scopes[zoom_events:write:ticket].’}

any updates on this matter? the error changed now to code 2007 message “Not enough stock or invalid ticket_type_id” but I do have stock quantity 1000000 and the ticket_type_id is surely the right one; As before, the pre-registering does work when using the admin web interface with the exact same data I’m trying to use via the API. Please look into this, thanks!