Create Meeting API: Default to User Settings

Specifically for the cloud_recordings and waiting_room settings, I am hoping to create a meeting in the API such that it is set up with the user’s default settings.

Current behavior for waiting_room:

  • If true, waiting room is on
  • If false, waiting room is off
  • If undefined, waiting room is off (I guess this is the default)

Desired behavior for waiting_room:

  • If true, waiting room is on
  • If false, waiting room is off
  • If undefined, waiting room setting is copied from the user’s settings

Is there a way to do this without hitting the user settings endpoint? Or can the default value of the create meeting API be changed? Or perhaps the settings could take another value like "user_value" or something that would use the user’s value for that specific setting.

Hey @abrams,

The only way to have settings be defaulted when creating meetings using the API is to lock the setting/s at the account level.

Otherwise, you will have to set the properties specifically in the API call. :slight_smile:


:grimacing: :sob: Oh well.

We are trying to reproduce the behavior of the Zoom website, which uses those defaults.

Hey @abrams,

Yep, here is an explanation of how the settings across the Zoom Web Portal and API works:


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