Creating a scheduling meeting via the API does not automatically generate a password

The password described in the above document meets the conditions for automatic generation , but the password is not automatically generated.
("Require a password when scheduling new meetings"is enable and locked and “Require a passcode for meetings which have already been scheduled” is not checked)
The account license is at least professional.

Which setting should I enable for this?


Can you share the request body you’re using to create the meeting? This will help us to take a closer look. (Please leave out any personal info such as email, etc.)


Dear @will.zoom

The request body is as follows

  "start_time": "yyyy-mm-ddT12:00:00Z",
  "duration": 60,
  "type": 2,
  "topic": "xxx",
  "timezone": "Asia/Tokyo"



Thank you for sharing this. Can I kindly ask that you check to see if your account settings have the waiting room turned on by default?

If the waiting room is turned on, a password is not required, which could be why you’re not seeing one automatically generated via API.

Let me know—thanks!

Dear @will.zoom

I enabled the waiting room by default in my account settings, but the password was automatically generated.

Is there any other possible cause?


Have you tried locking the waiting room setting on an account level as well?


Dear @will.zoom

Yes. Please see the image below.


As long as the passcode feature is enabled, your meetings will still generate a password. After enabling waiting room, disable the passcode setting and let us know if that helps.


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