Deauthorization Notification Endpoint URL is not working

Deauthorization Notification Endpoint URL is not working.

We have a production zoom app on app marketplace and set a url to Deauthorization Notification Endpoint URL.
However, no request is sent to the endpoint when some users remove our app from their accounts.

We have confirmed the following.

  • Our app is published.
  • The endpoint is active.
  • The endpoint return 200 status in test environment.
  • There are no logs indicating that the endpoint received any requests from Zoom.

Is there anything else we should check?

Thank you.


To test the Deauthorization notification, a user needs to uninstall the prod version of the app and not the development version.

If this is correct, then please check by sending a post request to the endpoint to see if it is able to receive the events.


Thank you for your reply.

To test the Deauthorization notification, a user needs to uninstall the prod version of the app and not the development version.

A user removed the prod version, but the endpoint did not receive any requests from Zoom.

please check by sending a post request to the endpoint to see if it is able to receive the events.

We are so sorry for our oversight.
Upon further review, it seems that there were cases where our endpoint did not correctly receive requests.
If a response other than 200 was returned, I’m wondering if Zoom might have implemented measures to stop sending webhooks. Is this assumption correct? If so, will a request for resuming webhook sending be necessary after modifying our endpoint?

Thank you.

We modified our endpoint and confirmed that the request was received successfully. Thank you.

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