Webhooks not working? ie. deAuthorize notice

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
I am a published app.
I’m trying to figure out why Deauthorization Notification never gets triggered?
The app configuration >information > bottom of page Endpoint URL, im monitoring, but never received anything from zoom (when i as a consumer deauthorizes the app).

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I also see the webhooks logs as empty.
App Marketplace shows nothing when users deauthorize app.

not getting any webhooks even for app deauthorize.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
as a user, i connect the app to zoom. then i remove app from zoom marketplace.
I’m expecting a webhook deauth notice, but no webhooks get triggered.

Hi @jonathan-finmate are you testing the production version of the app or the development version? Deauthorization only works with production version of the app.

this is production version. there’s been zero incoming webhooks from your logs and my logs.

For testing purposes, can you replace the URL with one from webhook.site and see if you are able to see the events there?

Alternatively, can you email me your app details at ojus.save@zoom.us? I would like to see the logs.

App Client ID:
Developer email address:
Account ID:

App Client ID: YP4IdqUQaeW67QLyq_EFQ
Developer email address: jonathan@finmate.ai

Account ID :: jqCOx1J1RO6hv_aXOFKjnA

I’m not sure where to get the account Id. so im going to guess its the above.

i changed the deauth to https://webhook.site/dd14f670-d669-4dc7-a59a-936987a7be84
And as a consumer, I removed my zoom marketplace app. no request seen on the webhook.site

oh i think it magically fixed itself. i am seeing zoom webhooks now

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