Distortion and echo in audio when come back from background in iPhone safari

There is distortion and echo in the audio when returning from the background in Safari on the iPhone.

Which Web Video SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Join the session.
  2. Minimize the browser and use other applications.
  3. Return to the browser.
  4. When speaking, you will encounter an echo in your own voice and distortion in the audio.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone XR
  • OS: iOS 16.4.1
  • Browser: Safari
  • Browser Version: 16.4.1

Hey @arfa.ahmed

Thanks for your feedback.

Could you test it on the official Web RTC sample? Let’s make sure whether it’s an issue with audio capture.


We have tested the audio and found no distortion, robotic sound, or echo, which are the issues we are currently experiencing with the web SDK.

@vic.yang @tommy any update on this distortion issue happening on iOS safari? distortion gone if we mute and unmute.

Hey @arfa.ahmed

We are still working on it. We will let you informed if we have any updates.


@vic.yang Thanks for the update. We are waiting for your fix.

any update on this issue?

Hey @arfa.ahmed

We were trying to reproduce it in our env but failed. Could you try it on Video SDK Sample App?


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