Does Zoom gets to decide if we need more functionality in our apps?

I must admit, it’s been a disappointing journey towards getting the app approved. It feels like Zoom wants to have complete control over what and how we do with our apps. This doesn’t feel like collaboration but more like dictating what developers should pursue.

My app was reject because it doesn’t have features beyond booking meetings at the moment and doesn’t add value to Zoom. What? So we can’t start with an MVP and integrate Zoom? The approver clearly failed to appreciate that feature improvements happen over a period of time and business strategies at times demand to push the product out the window as time is of essence to get started.

In addition, I have clearly resubmitted that if my application using the Beta terminology is against Zoom’s policy, or is a problem in approving the app for publishing, we are willing to do away with the tags. Those do not serve any major purpose beyond limiting user expectations - given the software is basic in nature and is being offered for free (only for the time being) - and to encourage users provide us feedback to help us further improve the features and add new ones.

This doesn’t mean we are in testing or are unprepared. We want the next phase to be driven by customer feedback.

This has clearly been overlooked by the approver.

So now I have to stay in the loop of resubmitting the app that would have otherwise taken a week at max. Pretty disappointing.

Is there anyone here - as mentioned in the rejection email - that I can communicate with?

@tommy: will you be able to help?


Update: I have taken off the word “beta” as it doesn’t serve much purpose to us and Zoom is confusing it to be a shortcoming.


Hey @kahuja,

Thanks for your feedback! Let me talk to the team and see how we can get your app published.


Hey @kahuja,

What is your app name?


Hi Tommy,


Hey @kahuja,

First off, we apologize and are sorry for this misunderstanding. It was not our intention to seem like we were trying to prescribe how your app should function. We also do not have a policy about the simplicity of apps and their qualification to be on our Marketplace. There was a misunderstanding in the state of your app, “Beta test stage” vs. “Simple, but complete stage, ready to be published on marketplace.”

We thought your app was in the “Beta test stage” based on the beta notices in the app and on your website, so we suggested you request a beta test URL (private publishable url) to continue testing your app with a small set of users.

After reading your post here, we understand now that your app is not in the “Beta test stage,” but a working app with functionality, that will also be updated over time like all published applications.

To move forward and get your app to your customers, you don’t need to have any “Beta” tags since your app isn’t in the “Beta test stage,” and I see you have removed the “Beta” tags for your app/website, thanks! Please resubmit the app so we can review it again with fresh eyes! :slightly_smiling_face:

We are looking forward to working with you!


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Thank you, Tommy. I just resubmitted following your instructions.

Looking forward to it!

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You are welcome! :slight_smile:


Hey @tommy!
I have bumped into a new problem.

Upon my last review, believing the app was not using certain scopes, I removed the two scopes for user:view and user:write believing those were not in use. It turns out, they were. Now when I put them back, the issue / error won’t resolve.

Here is the error to the call:
Array ( [code] => 4700 [message] => Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [user:write:admin, user:read:admin, user:read, user:write, zms:user:write, user_profile, zms:user:read]. )

My question to you is that, given the app is being reviewed, does it suffice to just choose the scopes (those automatically saved upon mouse-out), or does that change really kick in when the app is actually “submitted” for review again?

If it helps, I am using those scopes to retrieve the authorized user’s id and account id via the “me” endpoint (

The app name is


Hey @kahuja,

After you add the scopes back, you need to authorize your app again and get a new set of tokens.

The scopes should save automatically, but you need to re authorize the app, you can do this by clicking on the development or production install url.

I don’t think you can make changes to your app while it is being reviewed. So go ahead and test what I suggested and resubmit.


I uninstalled and reinstalled. Unauthorized, then tried to reauthorize. On that page, I get the scopes displayed which does not have the updated scopes from the app. This means the scopes are not reflecting which is causing my app to fail.

How do I get out of this logjam? I need to test the app but scopes won’t update.

Hey @kahuja,

Are you testing the scope change with the development version or production version of your app?


I am doing it in the production version.

Hey @kahuja,

For a published app, the scope change will not go in affect until your app update is approved and updated on the Zoom App Marketplace.

Can you try using the development environment for developing changes to your app?
