Domain Validation Fails NextJS Zoom App

I have a Zoom App I’m ready to submit to the marketplace. I’ve followed the included validation instructions but am unable to get a successful validation.

For some context it’s a nextjs app we created as a project in our monorepo. I placed the zoomverify directory and downloaded html at the root of the project.

One complicating factor is that the support/docs/terms urls we provided are hosted on our main domain ( so I created pages within the zoom app that simply push the appropriate urls (this was after getting a warning about them having to be on the same domain). If there is some other way I can validate my domains, that would be great or if there is some other solution please let me know.

Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

Hi, @benjamin.tice just quick checking in again to see if there’s been any progress on our manual validation. All the relevant details have been emailed to you directly. Please feel free to let me know if you require more to complete this process.