Domain Verification Problems with WIX Website

I have problems validating our domain in the Publishing Process, as WIX does not allow directl html file uploads. Could someone help me with alternative validation methods?

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@chunsiong.zoom could you help me out here, as the deadline for submitting is set to be tomorrow otherwise our app will stop working.

@abe.queen @michael.zoom we would really need some help here to get this resolved as quickly as possible :pray:

Hey @gerald.zankl! This should be the most accurate and helpful article for your reference: Domain Validation Explanation

Hey @gerald.zankl , I changed the post category so it’s on the App Review team’s radar. I appreciate that we’re nearing the deadline, so we’ll watch out for the submission. Let us know if you need any help with the submission!

Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process. The next steps will be sent to you via DM (Direct Message). Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

@gerald.zankl Please try these methods
Meta Tag: Most platforms offer this option. Add their unique code to your Wix “Custom Code” and verify.
DNS Record: Add platform-specific values to your Wix DNS records (under “Domains”) and verify.
Email Verification: Platforms like Yahoo might send a verification email to your domain owner’s address.
Support: If stuck, contact the platform’s support for alternative methods or manual verification.