Download zoom recording from share url

Hello. I need to download the zoom recording that belongs to a share URL.

Let me explain why do I need to do this:

My zoom recordings are linked in a Canvas app via the recording’s share_url.

I need to download said video, store it elsewhere, and in my Canvas, put the new url in the new storage. Therefore, the only way I have to match between both clouds is the share_url of the recording.

The share_urls as well as the download_urls generated through the Zoom api are dynamic, so I can’t do this match through the urls obtained by the API either.

When trying to do a DOM parse of the share url, I haven’t been able to get the video tag at all. For this reason is my question.

Is there a way that I can get this video from the url that zoom generated to share my meeting initially?

Thanks in advance

Hello? Is anyone there?