Duplicating an app with change to event subscription notification endpoint

This is more of a request for information on how to proceed.

We already have an approved app in the App Marketplace. We are building a new SaaS stack in EU and need event notifications from our EU customers to go to a different notification endpoint (the new data center in EU). I assume that this would require a new Marketplace App, but is it possible to duplicate an existing app and make changes to only the notification endpoint?

I’m also assuming that this is the easiest way to do this because I cannot see a way of segregating the data from EU and non-EU customers by adding a new notification event subscription with a different endpoint. Is that possible?

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Hey @dhyun,

Good questions!

It is not possible to duplicate apps. You will have to create a new one and fill in the required fields.

As for publishing a new app, have you considered routing the event subscriptions payload to the respective data center after your main event subscription endpoint receives the request, instead of creating a second app?



I think the routing question would depend on where the data originates. For EU customers, are the events being generated in EU or is Zoom generating all global data from NA? I think that brings up the broader question of how Zoom routes data for EU customers overall and German customers in particular as they have a more stringent privacy law.

Hey @dhyun,

For data routing questions see this document or reach out to support.zoom.us.


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