Email passed when participant joins a meeting is now blank since yesterday

I have a webhook that recieves events. Its used by a couple of accounts to track attendance.
The meetings have the setting that requires users must be signed on.

Yesterday the email field that came with the participant part of the event json via the webhook used to contain the email of their zoom account. Today it is blank.

has something changed ?

below is an example of a payload.

{“payload”:{“account_id”:“MOQPD_3-T4KiqPMIDRrRkA”,“object”:{“uuid”:“ka2UUVMZTKq/oCk7+mHyRA==”,“participant”:{“user_id”:“16838656”,“user_name”:“Susan redacted*”,“registrant_id”:null,“id”:“NoN1bsaQQBysN6RVDmVVUA”,“join_time”:“2022-03-02T00:03:00Z”,"email":""},“id”:“81419960143”,“type”:8,“topic”:“Virtual Dining Room and Social Space”,“host_id”:“EdE-MfHIQyysPQA1-qAkHQ”,“duration”:1440,“start_time”:“2022-03-01T17:29:32Z”,“timezone”:“America/Los_Angeles”}},“event_ts”:1646179383176,“event”:“meeting.participant_joined”}


The same thing happened to me as well since a couple days ago.
I would love to hear from Zoom if anything changed.

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Any chance someone from zoom can comment on this. We use the email field to match participants, this was your recommended solution this time last year. (Turns on “require authentication” and match on the email field)

right now we are blind to who our participants are.

Hello, we are experiencing the same issue and I am just leaving a comment here, so that I can be notified if Zoom gives us any insight. This has been very frustrating for our client.

@nhendry There has been a reply from zoom here

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