Error 3,301: Recording Does Not Exist


I had recorded a meeting (824 8637 0141) last September 20, 2021 and received an e-mail notification saying that the recording was processed. When I tried to access it today, I got an error stating that my recording does not exist.

Browser Console Error

This recording does not exist. (3,301)

Web Meeting SDK Version

5.8.1 (1983)

To Reproduce

  1. Access the e-mail notification that says the recording was processed.
  2. Click the recording link.
  3. See error.


  1. E-mail notification on processed recording
  2. Error 3,301


  • Device: MacBook Air
  • OS: macOS 11.5
  • Browser: Brave
  • Version: 1.30.89 Chromium: 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (arm64)

Additional Context

I never once deleted a recording in my cloud.

Hey @jxsiat,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Please share the API endpoint that you’re using when you see this error. Are you able to see the recording in the Web Portal as well or was it potentially deleted?


Sorry, I am new to this. What is API endpoint and how can I obtain it? As for the recording, I cannot see it in the web portal. I would like to rule out the possibility of it being deleted because I never once deleted any recording in my cloud. Accidental deletion is highly unlikely since I only access my recordings occasionally.

Thank you for the assistance!

Hey @jxsiat,

Not to worry, that’s my fault I actually misread your inquiry. For issues with Zoom itself, instead of the Web SDK, please reach out to our Support Team and they will assist you directly.


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