MacOS - initSDK is giving error code 5


We are trying to update our Mac OS Zoom SDK to While doing so we made sure that all the steps are followed. But when we tried to initialise the SDK, it is always giving us error code 5. Below is the code we have tried.

let zoomSDK = ZoomSDK.shared()
let params = ZoomSDKInitParams()
params.enableLog = true
params.needCustomizedUI = false
params.zoomDomain = ""
let res = zoomSDK?.initSDK(with: ZoomSDKInitParams())
print("Init Result: \(res?.rawValue)")

This is printing below. At this point, auth service is also nil.

Init Result: Optional(5)

We have tried this in a fresh project too, but the result is same. Below are the screenshots of our project configuration. We have compared everything multiple times with the Sample Project.

  1. Downloaded and moved Zoom SDK to project folder.
  2. Re-signed all the .app files with our team ID.
codesign --force --verify --timestamp --verbose --options=runtime --sign "TEAM ID HERE" ZoomSDK/*.app
  1. Added all files to Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content. (Total 64 files are added)

  2. Under Build Phases β†’ Link Binary with Libraries added required files. (Total 10 files added)

  3. Under Build Phases β†’ Copy Files, added all the SDK files. (Total 64 files added)

  4. Under Build Phases β†’ Copy Files, added ZoomAudioDevice.driver

After this, tried running the project and the initSDK is giving us the error code 5.

Kindly help us resolving this issue as this is a blocker to our release.

Thank You


We’re also facing this issue. Any solution for this?

This issue is happening with us as well. Any solution for this?

Facing same issue. Any solution?

What is the solution for this issue? It is hampering our roadmap. Please assist.

This could be related: Troubleshooting Video SDK initialization on macOS - #3 by richardpiazza

I found that the Init Param logFilePrefix is required. Initialization will fail without it.

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