ZoomSDK for macOS Error on initSDK: Assertion failed: (FALSE)

I’m experiencing crashes every time I’m trying to initSDK on

  • macOS 12.6
  • XCode 14.0.1
  • zoom-sdk-macos-

Code I’m using:

let zoom: ZoomSDK = ZoomSDK.shared();

func  zoomInit(){
    let params = ZoomSDKInitParams();
    params.needCustomizedUI = false;
    params.teamIdentifier = nil;
    zoom.initSDK(with: params);

Output I’m getting:

Assertion failed: (FALSE), function InitPTAppApi, file ZoomSDKModuleClient.cpp, line 165.

Is there something wrong with your initialized params?

I’ve used this snippet from official MacOS Meetings SDK demo app to set params:

   /* NSString *localeIdentifier = [[NSLocale currentLocale] objectForKey:NSLocaleCountryCode];
    if(localeIdentifier && [localeIdentifier.uppercaseString isEqualToString:@"CN"])
        [[ZoomSDK sharedSDK] setAppLocale:ZoomSDKLocale_CN];
        [[ZoomSDK sharedSDK] setAppLocale:ZoomSDKLocale_Def];*/
    ZoomSDKInitParams* params = [[ZoomSDKInitParams alloc] init];
    params.needCustomizedUI = useCustomizedUI;
    params.teamIdentifier = nil;
    [[ZoomSDK sharedSDK] initSDKWithParams:params];
    [ZMSDKCommonHelper sharedInstance].isUseCutomizeUI = useCustomizedUI;
    params = nil;

And also experimented with other params variations, always the same error

same error message, but no solution

you could try version 5.10 or 5.11, if there are any differences

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I encountered the same problem with version
I am now using version and have resolved the issue.
Are there any plans to fix this problem in 5.12?
We would like to use the latest version as soon as possible.