Error code: 105035 when sharing on mac, zoom-sdk-electron version: 5.12.2

share screen error code 105035 on mac

Which Electron Meeting SDK version?
sdk version: zoom-sdk-electron-

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior: screen share, got error code 105035 on mac


Troubleshooting Routes
The troubleshooting attempt types you’ve already exhausted, including testing with the appropriate sample app (found on Zoom · GitHub).

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: imac and macbook(intel and M1)
  • OS: macOS Monterey 12.0.1 and other verison

Additional context
this is only an issue on mac. i tried on multiple devices, and i granted screen sharing access to all of them. also, i tried the suggestions in this articles:, but it not work for me. maybe, mac sign led to this problem, because, when i not signing apps, sharing is ok.
how can i solve this problem?

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