Error “code”: 3001, “message” “Meeting does not exist [meeting_uuid]

Using this template helps us debug your issues more effectively :slight_smile:

Getting error while joining a meeting created through API (the application using the oauth token is not in published state yet)
Error “code”: 3001, “message” “Meeting does not exist [meeting_uuid]

Re: Error “code”: 3001, “message” “Meeting does not exist [meeting_uuid]

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

zoom api response {
uuid: ‘KpWceq37QhSxXlYEEuu5Sw==’,
id: 87527540715,
host_id: ‘SgyDo5c-S36fpvlUyo-sEw’,
host_email: ‘’,
topic: ‘15 Minutes Meeting’,
type: 2,
status: ‘waiting’,
start_time: ‘2021-11-05T03:30:00Z’,
duration: 15,
timezone: ‘UTC’,
created_at: ‘2021-11-03T12:08:55Z’,
start_url: ‘HTTPS_HERE Launch Meeting - Zoom’,
password: ‘iuvw0C’,
h323_password: ‘148226’,
pstn_password: ‘148226’,
encrypted_password: ‘b3lUVDI0cUVYQ3JLa2k2U0NtR2VnQT09’,
settings: {
host_video: false,
participant_video: false,
cn_meeting: false,
in_meeting: false,
join_before_host: false,
jbh_time: 0,
mute_upon_entry: false,
watermark: false,
use_pmi: false,
approval_type: 2,
audio: ‘voip’,
auto_recording: ‘none’,
enforce_login: false,
enforce_login_domains: ‘’,
alternative_hosts: ‘’,
close_registration: false,
show_share_button: false,
allow_multiple_devices: false,
registrants_confirmation_email: true,
waiting_room: false,
request_permission_to_unmute_participants: false,
registrants_email_notification: true,
meeting_authentication: false,
encryption_type: ‘enhanced_encryption’,
approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions: { enable: false },
breakout_room: { enable: false },
alternative_hosts_email_notification: true,
device_testing: false
pre_schedule: true


Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. How are you joining this meeting? With the Web SDK or the Zoom Client?

If you’re using the SDK, I would make sure that you are supplying the Meeting Number instead of the UUID. Almost make sure the host of the meeting is a user under your account.

Let me know if that helps.


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