Error during add: Unable to install this app without the developer's account

We’ve had our app (Un-5iL8aR1WXyfQntNpZeA) published to the App Marketplace for years now and have had successful installs. However, in the last couple weeks when we tried adding our app to a new account, we’ve been running into the same error. We’ve had multiple external account admin users fail to add our app, and we were able to confirm with a dummy account admin. Based on similar threads, we believe this could be an issue with our app ownership.

“Unable to install this app without the developer’s account. Please contact the app developer to install”
Some users see a box below with the following permissions and some users do not:

  • Dashboard and Report > View “Usage reports”
  • User and Permission Management > View “Users”

API Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
*1. Sign In - Zoom
*2. OAuth
*3. “Unable to install this app without the developer’s account. Please contact the app developer to install”

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.


Hi @loganrado
Thanks for reaching out to the zoom Developer Forum!
Could you please confirm if the name of the app is

Hi Elisa,

Thank you for the prompt response! Yes, that is the name.

Hi Elisa,

Thank you for your prompt reply! Yes, that is the name of our app.

I tried installing the app by visiting your website and I got a 404, so I am not able to replicate this on my end

Hi Elisa,

Thank you. The link from our listing (App Marketplace) is broken but I can get you set up on our dashboard. Would you mind sharing your email? The entry point to our dashboard will be

Hi Logan,
I have not heard back from our team, I will update you via DM

Hi Elisa,

Thank you for the update!!

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