Unable to install this app without the developer's account. Please contact the app developer to install.

Unable to install this app without the developer’s account. Please contact the app developer to install.

we get the above error when we try to install the app we have created

we know you need to publish the app in app store if you want to distribute outside your account but we are not trying to do this

we have 6 accounts in the same zoom portal and the developer account that created the app is the account owner

we have created an account level app and a user level app to test both ways and what ever we do we get the following


we do not want to be in your app store yet and dont see why you have this rule its an oath2 app. we just want to install our recording app to the 6 users in the portal

can someone assist? we need to get this app installed for our internal users and cant see why it will not install

Hi @insightful,

Can you please send us an email at developersupport@zoom.us with the App’s client ID and the email of the user you’re attempting to install under when you get this error? Our team will take a closer look.


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