Force username when entering meeting using browser Zoom app

This simple code saves you a lot of trouble,
<-script type=“text/javascript”>
var str = “Host or Instructor Username from your other php, crm or wp, whatever useridvalue you want”;
var enc = window.btoa(str);
var elmar = document.getElementById(“iframepage”);
elmar.src = “{myzoomid}/start?prefer=1&un=” + enc;

change [start?] to [join?] for your users, however, zoom wants to force your users to join their site, which kind of sucks, now they’re ignoring this call and redirecting guests to zoom site for branding purposes.

This forces me to have to regretfully consider google meet which is now for free and integrated into google classroom, has an api and requires less steps to set up OR

Open source Jitsi-meet which doesn’t limit free meetings to only 40 minutes.

I loved zoom, until the virus hit,

luck is when preparation meets opportunity, you guys weren’t prepared, that’s too bad but my students are waiting and I’m fed up.

Hey everyone,

Right now the official supported way to embed Zoom into a website is with our Web SDK. We have tutorials, sample apps, and docs to help you.

We are considering supporting an official iFrame solution in the future.


Does this still work on the web client?

Hi, I realize that your 2 solutions of embedding zoom meeting to web client have problems with spa like reactjs.
With websdk, when import @zoomus/websdk, it will override our css then we cant scoll anymore and we are very hard to make zmmtg-root work in local component
With iframe, when join meeting we need to join imediately with params un but all we got is enter name form in zoom page
And now, because of these reasons, i really want to use iframe can you help me figure out how to skip enter name, password and go right to meeting or event an iframe without header and footer please.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Hey @fernando.moobi,

You can use that link, but you will be prompted to enter a user name and captcha.


Hey @someone,

The best way to use the Web SDK in a SPA is to navigate the user to a seperate path or sub domain so it does not interfere with your CSS. Then you can navigate back to your main SPA with the leaveUrl.



I am new to devforum so apologies if I am not posting to the correct place.

I am developing an oAuth-type app and using the join_url personalised link to send to meeting participants. URLs are in this format:{MeetingID}?tk=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

This is working well in most cases, however if a participant has logged in previously to another zoom meeting with a different username it seems that the browser remembers this and overrides the username information linked to the personalised join_url so the participant can join the meeting but not under the username intended.

Is this a know issue, is there a work around?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



I just wondered if anyone has any comments regarding my question below. This is becoming a show stopper for us as many of our users have their own personal Zoom accounts and when they try to login using the personlaized join_url provided by the API (Add Meeting Registrant POST process) they are actually joining the meeting under their personal username/email rather than the one attached to the join_url. The only way to make it work is if they clear the browser’s cache before clicking on the join_url.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks and kind regards,


Hey @dayo,

Please post this on a new topic in #zoom-api with steps to reproduce the issue.


Good Morning Tommy,

I wanted to confirm this.
Before the Web Client became login only, we were able to pass the URL below to Zoom Webinar and join the Web Client without any further Attendee interaction.

Example Webinar URL:

After the Web Client became available again without Login, will we always be required to enter user name (and CAPTCHA)? Or is there any opportunity to pass Name and Email into a Webinar without further Attendee interaction?

Hey @cholscher,

Yes, using the Web Client you will always have to enter the username and captcha.

You can customize the join flow via the Web SDK if you would like. :slight_smile:


Hi all,
when i join meeting username showing as example y and y created by api key n secret keys, i need to change from y to login username(z) how its possible.i am using embed zoom sample web sdk,thanks in advance

Hey @yash.sakali,

I have replied to you here:


Ya it’s taking default username…but I need to pass website logged in username

Hey @yash.sakali,

Please continue this discussion in the thread you made which I linked above.
