Get Old state response of Mute/UnMute while setting the new state of Mute/UnMute

We are integrating the Zoom Room macOS Client SDK over the SHH interface.

So while changing the mute state through self-mute command, immediate we are getting the response of the old state of the microphone mute.

writing command :
zConfiguration Call Microphone Mute: on

ZoomRooms Response is: { “Call”: { “Microphone”: { “Mute”: false } }, “Status”: { “message”: “”, “state”: “OK” }, “Sync”: false, “topKey”: “Call”, “type”: “zConfiguration”}

Also, we are getting asynchronous responses of previous operations performed during ssh client.

Hi @nitin.choudhary, thanks for using the dev forum.

Unfortunately we cannot assist with Zoom Rooms. This forum category is only meant for assistance with usage of the macOS Client SDK. If you have any questions specific to implementing the SDK within your app, we will be happy to help. Otherwise, please visit our general support page. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @jon.zoom,
Thank you for your acknowledgement.
My query is related to the integration of ZR-CSAPI with our automation solution.
So will do it on the related forum category.

Thank you for understanding. :slightly_smiling_face: