MuteParticipant not Working

Did a call to 

zCommand Call ListParticipants

Got back

“audio_status state”: “AUDIO_UNMUTED”,
“audio_status type”: “AUDIO_VOIP”,
“avatar_url”: “”,
“camera_status am_i_controlling”: false,
“camera_status can_i_request_control”: false,
“camera_status can_move_camera”: false,
“camera_status can_switch_camera”: true,
“camera_status can_zoom_camera”: false,
“can_record”: false,
“event”: “None”,
“isCohost”: false,
“is_host”: true,
“is_myself”: false,
“is_recording”: false,
“is_video_can_mute_byHost”: true,
“is_video_can_unmute_byHost”: true,
“local_recording_disabled”: false,
“user_id”: 16778240,
“user_name”: “Jack Stephenson”,
“user_type”: “NORMAL”,
“video_status has_source”: true,
“video_status is_receiving”: true,
“video_status is_sending”: true


zCommand Call MuteParticipant Mute: on Id: 16778240

Mute didnt change

Also did a 

zCommand Call MuteAll mute: on


Nothing changed


I think I stumbled on something.

Is it possible that only a host can mute / unmute participants.

If so, the room could never do this manually or progamatically???



Ok, I looked into this: Only a meeting host can mute other participants. If the Zoom Room starts the meeting, the Zoom Room will be the host, and can mute/unmute others.

If another user starts a meeting and is host, then the Zoom Room joins that meeting, the Zoom Room can’t mute other participants. However, that person can give up host status to the Zoom Room, and then the Zoom Room can mute other participants. This works both manually using the Zoom Room controller, and also using the ZR-CSAPI.

We’re running into a semi related issue as above. MuteParticipantVideo works fine when muting other Zoom users, but it doesn’t seem to be able to mute other Zoom Rooms.

This does appear to be a bug when muting a Zoom room participant, if that Zoom Room participant is using the API as opposed to the iPad controller. I’ll update with details later.

I’ve entered a bug for this:

ZOOM-45381: ZAAPI: Handle MuteParticipant Notification

When the ZR-CSAPI is active on a Zoom Room, and a video mute or unmute request comes into the Zoom Room from the meeting host, the Zoom Room does not properly handle the video mute/unmute request.