Get registrants for past/expired meetings

Hi @crowleyb,

Thanks for your patience while I looked into this for you. I’ve provided an exact example for your meeting in DMs, but wanted to update this thread for future reference.

I misspoke in my previous post when I referenced the UUID. To retrieve registrants for a past meeting, you will need to pass the meeting ID in the request URL, and add the occurrence_id for the past meeting as a query parameter.

To retrieve a list of occurrence_ids for past instances of a meeting, you can call the GET Meeting API with the following query parameter:{meetingId}?show_previous_occurrences=true

This will return an array of occurrences for that meeting. You will grab this from that response and then make a request to the List Registrants API with this value:{meetingId}/registrants?occurrence_id={occurrenceId}

This should return the information you’re looking for, and apologies for any confusion!
