Get upcoming Zoom Meeting Details

I want to get the details of upcoming zoom meetings that I’ve created.
I use this API to retrieve those data.
const API_URL =${userId}/meetings;
const query = {
type: “upcoming”,
page_size: 30,
page_number: 1,

even though I specify the type as “upcoming”, I get all the meetings that I’ve created.

Hi @itjtestandfun ,

Do you mean including past (ended), non-recurring meetings? Or are they scheduled recurring meetings?

Additionally something peculiar I noticed in our docs is that we have two query params for upcoming meetings:

Can you please try upcoming_meetings instead of upcoming and share the behavior?

Hi @gianni.zoom
I tried with upcoming_meetings, but the behaviour is the same. I only want to retrieve upcoming meetings.

Can you please clarify and answer the above. In the behavior you observe, are you getting past (ended), non-recurring meetings? Or are they scheduled recurring meetings?

Getting past meetings as well. I was able to find a way around this issue by checking the start_time. Thanx for your help Gianni

Hi @itjtestandfun okay glad it’s resolved. Were those past meetings non-recurring single instances? Or were they scheduled recurring meetings where some instances had ended?