Getting some issues iPhone device

Hello Team,

I’m using ZOOM WEB SDK,

I got success in integrating zoom web SDK using angular 8. I have small doubts and some issues for the mobile browser.

When trying to join a meeting form
Desktop Browser: It works like a charm
Android Device: It works like a charm
iPhone Device safari: Can’t see join computer audio button ( Please check this attached image )

iPhone Device Chrome: Can’t see any things it’s showing a black screen ( Please check this attached image )


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Bump. I’ve just started proof-of-concept testing with the Web SDK and have not yet been able to successfully join a meeting using Chrome on iOS. Win+Chrome, Win+Chromium Edge, and Android+Chrome all work very well. In iOS, using the Web SDK sample app, I get the console.log('checkSystemRequirements'); output, but the ZoomMtg.checkSystemRequirements() call is not completed, and other javascript functions are not run. When I click on the “join” button, the page seems to reload, but nothing else happens.

Is the Web SDK compatible with Chrome (or other browsers) on iOS? What do we need to do to make the Web SDK function properly on iOS? Thanks!

Hey @yashs018,

Currently iOS mobile browsers do not support join with computer audio. For the black screen issue, what version of the Web SDK are you using, and are there any browser console errors?


Hey @SpeakingPartner_Teac,

Double check you have the preload functions:

Also are there any errors in the browser console?


this console is return blank value.

Hello, Tommy, could we have info. when we can get new web sdk build to fix IOS mobile browsers issue?

Hi @tommy,

I’m using a vanilla WebSDK install. No changes, other than adding my config values. Yes, the preload scripts are there, and the page works well on other systems/browsers that I have tested. There aren’t any errors in the console. As mentioned, and confirmed by @yashs018, the ZoomMtg.checkSystemRequirements() function doesn’t result in any output on iOS (using the iOS chrome://inspect tab). I’m using v1.7.6 of the SDK. Thanks!

I’m using WebSDK 1.7.7 and I have the exact same problems that described in this thread so far. Any solution or a suggestion?

Chrome version: 81.0.4044.124
iOS Version: 12.4.6
Vanilla Web SDK: 1.7.7

@tommy Having the same issue as mentioned by other users, I was also not getting any errors in console on Chrome and the page is just reloading with a blank screen, tried different iPhone devices with the same versions mentioned above.

Here are the steps through which I was able to see errors in the console.
Remove this line from JS

Now you’ll see this error in console.
LOG>>>>>>>> CREATE JSMEDIASKD INSTANCE <<<<<<<< ERRORTypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'e.match(/version\/[\d.]+/gi).toString')

Please assist on this issue.

Hey @elearningevolve, @jude.niroshan11, @SpeakingPartner_Teac, @chungjordan, @yashs018,

Relating to the Join Computer Audio on mobile, we do not support that yet.

As for the check system requirements not logging on mobile, I will have our Web SDK engineers investigate this.


Hello @tommy Thanks,

Could we setup a schedule to find out the root cause which can’t join audio on IOS mobile, and could have a new build sooner or later after the investigation?

Hey @chungjordan,

Please see version 1.7.8 which has fixed some of the safari issues:
