Have you considered building zoom for the Raspberry Pi 4 linux system?

There’s a bunch of people on the Raspberry Pi forums who also want a RPI-compatible Zoom client.
Currently their only option is to use the join.zoom website. Unfortunately, it’s extremely laggy, and missing a lot of features.

A much better alternative would be the Chromebook App. After all, Raspberry Pies ship with the Chromium browser, and you can install Apps and Extensions.
Many users, including me, have tried using the Chromebook app. For some reason, attempting to login fails with the “Login time out” error.
Also, when trying to join a meeting, the “Connecting…” spinner shows indefinitely. It never connects.

We’re so close! A nearly-compatible app has already been developed, and it almost works.
Almost. But why does it never connect?

I personally led an effort to find out, and finally concluded that the problem originated from the NaCl code built-in to the Chrome App.
See: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=131&t=269833&start=25#p1643325

If that NaCl code is removed or made compatible with armhf, I fully expect the Chromebook App to work flawlessly.

IMHO, fixing the Chromebook App would take relatively little effort, compared to the alternatives like an armhf DEB package.
Also IMHO, fixing the Chromebook App is entirely worth the effort. Raspberry Pies are used by many school students, low-income families, and others who desperately need to stay in touch with their loved ones. With over 30 million devices affected, I’d say this is probably the most worthwhile “Feature Request” ever made.