Headless Zoom Bot won't start raw recording on Enterprise zoom accounts

Meeting SDK Type: Linux
Meeting SDK Version: zoom-meeting-sdk-linux_x86_64-

I have used the meeting sdk headless sample from here to create a Zoom Bot that joins meetings and does a raw recording of the meeting. This app is a user managed app and is published on the Marketplace already.

Error I am facing
This is working as expected for non enterprise accounts, but for enterprise accounts with a different zoom meeting url ( eg: https:://organization.zoom.us/etc.etc.), the bot joins the meeting but the raw recording does not start. The popup to ask for the permission from the host doesn’t appear even though the host is present in the meeting.

What could be the issue?
Do I need to add some additional scopes/ permissions?
Do we need to ask the Enterprise account admins to enable something from their end?

Please let me know how can I fix this problem. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!


It’s possible that the workspace for the enterprise that you’re sending the bot to has some restrictive settings that are disabling the bot from asking for recording permission.

For example, the host might have disallowed all 3rd-party recordings. In this case, the bot would be able to enter the meeting but wouldn’t be able to actually request permission to record.

I also wanted to suggest trying out the Recall.ai API for your meeting bots instead. It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video, send/receive chat messages, etc from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots. The Recall.ai API enables you to build a Zoom OAuth Integration that allows your meeting bots to immediately start recording when they’ve joined a meeting without needing to ask for permission.

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Hey @mihir.dayal, you may be encountering accounts that have local recording turned off. We don’t see this as a widespread block though on Meeting SDK apps. Have you tested this across multiple accounts with custom (vanity) URLs? I would expect this behavior on some but not most accounts.

If this is a local recording permission setting of the account, this would affect any Meeting SDK client joining the meeting, including the one you’ve already built or a managed Meeting SDK solution like Recall.


I can confirm, it sounds like local recording needs to be enabled on the account.

Let me know if that helps!

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Thanks @amanda-recallai @MaxM @michael.zoom for the help! Yes the setting was disabled in the user’s accounts, got the recording to work post enabling that!

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