How do I capture the event where the user hides or enables their camera?
Which version?
Version: 4.3.47200.0322
On the Bottom Navigation Bar, there are UI elements for toggling Audio and VIdeo feeds. How can I capture when a user is enabling their Camera? We want to have the camera turned off by default upon entering a Zoom meeting. For analytics purposes, we’d like to know when the user feels confident that they want to show their face.
InMeetingServiceListener :onUserVideoStatusChanged(int userId) will callback when user video status changed. with the userId you can get InMeetingUserInfo.getVideoStatus().
VideoStatus.isSending() : true video on;false : video off.
I have the onUserVideoStatusChanged() listener set up, however I am running into difficulty in obtaining an instance of InMeetingUserInfo to invoke getVIdeoStatus().