How does one actually achieve a "Private" app

I am required to create a Zoom app for a Zoom Spoke integration used in ServiceNow. This uses the authorisation code grant scope thus a general “admin-managed” app is required in Zoom Marketplace.

I am looking at deploying a production version of this but am really quite lost with the various stages of publishing in Zoom Marketplace. I do not want this published to the Marketplace as its an internal tool but I see no option at all for creating a “Private App” as defined in this official documentation https[://]developers[.]zoom[.]us/docs/platform/key-concepts/#private-vs-beta-vs-published-vs-unlisted-apps.

Is the “Private” option still available or is best practice to simply leave it as “Beta” state within the production tab for the Zoom app?

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Thank you for reaching out; once you create your app and do not go through the process to have it published, it’s considered a Private App because its use is restricted to your account alone (the account it was created on)

Regards, Kwaku