How get User Online Status?


I would like to know if it´s possible to get the user online/offline status with API or Desktop SDK? I can retrieve the user information with API…and I can get a status value…but it´s a general status (active, inactive…) I need to get the online/offline status. Is it possible?

Thanks so much.
Best regards.


At the moment we do not have a “presence” API. This is in the pipeline but I don’t want to give false hope with a hard date but expect it to be out before the end of the year and possible sooner.

Ok Tim. We will wait then. :smiley:

Thanks so much.
Best regards.

Any update here? Is there any way with REST or SDK to check user presence status?

Hi @janmechtel,

This is one of our propriety tasks and our Engineering team is still working on the user presence API and webhooks to be delivered by this year.
Please refer to our developer change log to stay up to date with the latest API release.


Hi Michael,

Any updates on Presence status API ? are they exposed ?

I needed an API to set and get the User presence status. @All, please share if you have any leads.

Hey @akashnema11,

The only user presence status API we have is our User Presence Status Updated Webhook.


Is this api exposed . We are planning on developing an end-to-end automation by integrating ITSM , Zoom and Mailboxes . We are waiting for the Api for integration .let us know whether it is released or when will it be released

Hey @Jayasree,

Please see my comment above:


Is there any update here? Any way with REST or SDK to check user presence status?

We can get an update on user status via Webhook, but after retrieving the user there’s no way to find its current status, right?

Thank you!

Hey @rgoncalves,

Thanks for checking in on this—at the moment, the webhook is still the only API resource for this, and it’s not possible to query a user’s current status outside of this. That said, this functionality is still something our team hopes to implement at some point. We appreciate your raising the value of this.


Hi @will.zoom.
Thank you for clarifying! :slight_smile:


No problem, happy to help! :slight_smile:

Any update on the API being exposed for user presence status.

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Hi @Jayasree,

No updates on this at the moment. However, if this is something you’d like to see, I encourage you to submit a feature request for this as well: #feature-requests


Sure, we would love to have this feature of getting the current user presence status using REST API calls as early as possible.

Jayasree VB

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Thanks for raising the importance of supporting this use case, @Jayasree!

Is the API only a recent thing? That seems to provide the presence information on demand.

Hi @eion,

Thanks for pointing this out. I do believe this query param is a recent enhancement, and should be a good way to query this.
