How many time delay to show up on the result from the API a change in a meeting?

I made some changes manually in my meetings, but when I got the information from the ZOOM API, I see the information not updated.
Do you know how many time delay in reflecting these changes on the API?

Sorry I forgot to mention, I’m using this API

Hey @itsupport,

There shouldn’t be any time delay. Maybe this is an async issue and you are requesting the information before the update has completed.

One way to make sure the meeting is updated before doing a GET request to the meeting information is to use our Meeting Updated Webhook. This will send a notification to your server after a meeting update has completed, and then you can make a GET request to the meeting information.

If this doesn’t solve / answer your question, can you let me know what manual changes you made so I can reproduce the issue?

Also make sure you are setting the intended type query param on the /metrics/meetings endpoint. By default this gets all live meetings.


I updated the title to the following meeting (meeting_id 254843755 )
from: MsSoberbama MON Discussion Voice/Video
To: The Bamas MON Discussion Voice/Video

A more question, will show up in the upcoming meetings or in all (I mean past meetings) this change?

Hey @itsupport,

The GET /metrics/meetings endpoint is for getting live and past meetings. If you are updating a meeting that is scheduled in the future it will not show the update.

To get scheduled meetings to see the update, try the GET /users/{userId}/meetings endpoint and make sure to set the type query param to scheduled or upcoming.{userId}/meetings?type=scheduled{userId}/meetings?type=upcoming

Let me know if that works,

Thank you much, it’s really helpful to me.

I really appreciate your help

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Thanks @itsupport!

Happy to help! :slight_smile: