Hello! I did a lot of research before posting, sorry if this is (may be) duplicated question, but I just can’t solve my issue nor I can find a similar case.
We have an online platform where we can host Zoom meetings. Meeting is created server side using Oatuh and the following parameters (see code #1). After zoom id is created, client side is connected with web hook and using JTW credentials. It works great (after so many hours).
The problem came when I tried to host two meetings at the same time. Now I understand I cannot host two meetings at the same time with the same account. So, workarounds I’ve tried:
Inside my paid account, I added a secondary zoom user. Successfully added one, but, secondary account is not a paid one, so I cannot give scheduling privileges.
I can install my Oauth app, so everyone willing to host a zoom meeting inside our platform, he or she must sign in with his or her personlal account, authorize our App so we can get his oauth token and then I can make a meeting for any user. As far as I know, that’s a good option, but the problem is now I need to create manually JWT credentials for every user. I dont’t think my users will be able to create these JWT credentials in Zoom Marketplace as I did. Maybe I can create JWT credentials with my Oauth token?
Is there any better option for this? The only thing we need is to create zoom meetings inside out web site, and there can be more than one at the same time, each one with different people and different hosts. It would be great to control this with only one account. And telling our users to create a JWT token so they can join a zoom meeting within our site is not an option.
Sorry this is too long, but I have spent so many hours deveolping this site and I really need help.
PD. I am not sure if it is safe to write down my zoom email user (premmium), but please tell me if it is needed, as it is different from the account I am posting this.
code # 1:
$raw = ‘{
“topic”: "’ . $roomName . ‘",
“type”: “1”,
“password”: "’ . $roomPwd . ‘",
“agenda”: “Eucalyptus agenda”,
“schedule_for”: “”,
“settings”: {
“host_video”: “true”,
“participant_video”: “true”,
“cn_meeting”: “false”,
“in_meeting”: “false”,
“join_before_host”: “true”,
“mute_upon_entry”: “true”,
“watermark”: “false”,
“use_pmi”: “false”,
“waiting_room”: “false”,
“approval_type”: “1”,
“registration_type”: “1”,
“audio”: “both”,
“auto_recording”: “none”,
“enforce_login”: “false”,
“alternative_hosts”: “”,
“registrants_email_notification”: “false”