How to fetch meetings that were created on a 3rd party calendar

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

We are creating a native Android Application and we have people that will sign-in using their SSO (Microsoft SOO) and eventually Google.
We would like to show the meetings they have in their Outlook calendar. Similar to what the native Zoom application is doing on MacOS.
When we log-in with our SSO in the native Zoom App on MacOS, we can see our meetings listed. Those are the meetings created within Outlook and that we are participants (invited).

When we call the{userId}/meetings , those meetings don’t show-up. Instead it only show meetings that were created on the Zoom application.

How should we proceed to fetch those calendar events similar to what the native Zoom Application is doing?

Thank you very much

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How To Reproduce
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Hi @mmimeault

If I’m understanding correctly, since you are participants, were those meetings created by someone external to your account? Example: Someone from Company A under a separate Zoom account invites you (from Company B) to a meeting.


Sorry for the late answer and thank you for helping me.

Those meetings are created within the same Company account.

Example: My coworker create an event in outlook, attach a Zoom link (with the 3rd party integration) and invite me.
This meeting will show up in the native Zoom application, but it will not show up in that API call response.


Hi @mmimeault ,

Thanks for clarifying. If your coworker created the meeting and they are the host, can you confirm that you are passing the coworker’s userId to the List Meetings endpoint? If yes, then it would indeed be odd to not see those meetings via API. Alternatively, if you are querying for your userId, but you did not create the meeting, this is expected behavior as it only returns meeting host’s upcoming meetings.

Alternatively, if you are querying for your userId, but you did not create the meeting, this is expected behavior as it only returns meeting host’s upcoming meetings.

Yes it is this use-case.

Then what would be the good approach the replicate what the native Zoom application is doing?
I can see all the meetings I am attending and we are trying to replicate this experience.

Do we need to manually call the 3rd party calendar services API to retrieve the calendar, then do extra manipulation to find the meetings information in every calendar event. To finally call back the Zoom API to fetch all the extra information for every meeting id?
— This will not be very user friendly as the user would need to log-in in Zoom and the 3rd party separately. Plus we would need to create a server that handle the callback hooks events to be aware when a meeting is getting updated (or we will likely spam by polling both the 3rd party and Zoom servers).

It would be very helpful to simply have an endpoint to retrieve the expected meetings list as it is already exposed on the native Zoom application.


Hi @mmimeault ,

I understand the inconvenience, but we do not have a supported API endpoint where you can see all meetings that you are both a host of and invited to as an invitee. I am not sure which 3rd party calendar services API you’re referring to and cannot make an official recommendation here.

Here’s something another developer proposed:

But note, this would only work best for meetings that have ended as opposed to scheduled meetings since the participant list is only finalized after a meeting concludes. You could technically also look to registrants, but it would work best if all meetings required registration and note that registrant ids change from meeting to meeting.