How to Grey out "remember my name for future meetings"

I’m trying to gray out the “remember my name for future meetings” so that people who are using zoom without logging from a shared meeting room aren’t able to save their login name. Has anyone had any success with this on Windows? I’m trying to figure out if there’s a workaround through the registry but haven’t come up with anything from the forums.

To disable the “Remember my name for future meetings” option in Zoom on Windows, you can use Group Policy or edit the registry. For Group Policy, download the Zoom Group Policy template from Zoom’s support site, import it, and navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Zoom Meetings > General Settings to disable the relevant setting. For the registry, open regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\General, create a DWORD value named DisableRememberName, and set it to 1​ .