How to hide or remove "Participants" option in Zoom web SDK..?

I have successfully added Zoom Web SDK into the Moodle site. Then I added the link to iframe link in the course page. It worked well.

The client wanted to remove the “Participants” option visible in the zoom video.

I have successfully hid the fullscreen option using this step.(How to remove or hide "Full Screen" option in Zoom Web SDK)
But same method does not work to remove the “Participants” option.

I didn’t find a way to remove the “Participants” option in zoom video

Which version?
Latest version. Downloaded few weeks back.


Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Dell Laptop
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Version: Latest version
  • Browser: All browsers

Additional context
We need to find a way to either disable or hide the “Participants” option that comes in Zoom video. I have added the SDK to cPanel.

Can somebody please help me with this?

Hey @bhanukawork,

Currently there is no built in way to hide the participants button. You can however hide it using your own JavaScript or CSS.

Feel free to add an option to hide the participants button as a feature request here: #feature-requests


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