How to join a webinar

What to do : Donot open webinar registration popup for username and email

Error : Not able to join a meeting when no_webinar_register_dialog is enable true otherwise it is working

Tech : in android zoom sdk

StartMeetingOptions opts = new StartMeetingOptions();
	opts.no_driving_mode = true;
	opts.no_titlebar = true;
	opts.no_bottom_toolbar = true;
	opts.no_invite = true;
	opts.no_webinar_register_dialog = true;

	StartMeetingParams4APIUser params = new StartMeetingParams4APIUser();
	params.zoomToken = ZOOM_TOKEN;
	params.meetingNo = meetingId;
	params.displayName = userName;
	int ret = meetingService.startMeetingWithParams(this, params, opts);

Hi premium,

Thanks for the post. If you do not want the webinar registration popup to present, you may:

  1. When scheduling the webinar, do not select the checkbox “Require registration” or if you are using API to schedule a webinar(, for the approval_type field, set the field to “no registration required”/
  2. If you would like the webinar to registration required but if you would like to handle this for your user, you may implement the following listener(
        public void onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail(InMeetingEventHandler inMeetingEventHandler) {


Hope this helps. Thanks!

No registration required is checked. Screenshot attached then also it is asking email and Name


Thanks for the screenshots. Just confirmed with our support doc, yes, the email and the name is required as stated in( “The attendees will still be required to enter their name and email address upon joining and the reports will be limited to this information.”, you will need to implement the following listener and pass user info to avoid showing the popup(

        public void onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail(InMeetingEventHandler inMeetingEventHandler) {


Hope this helps. Thanks

Hi @carson.zoom,

I don’t want to display the webinar registration pop-up after starting the webinar. To implement this I have added the InMeetingServiceListener in my activity.
But I did not get control on ‘InMeetingServiceListener’ and ‘onWebinarNeedRegister’ methods after starting the webinar.

Can you please help with what I am missing hear?

Hi @aniket.yawalkar,

If you are using Custom UI, you could use the onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail to provide registration info, however, the pop-up might be not able to hide now.

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Thanks @carson.zoom.

This is worked for me.

Glad to hear that it is working. Happy Zooming!