Issue in joining the meeting


Hi zoom development team,
I really liked the zoom application and happy with services I get, So my problem are

  1. when I am integrating zoom android sdk in my application I am able to join the class but before joining the class I get webinar registration pop up which asks the user to enter username and email but I don’t want it to pop up for users input instead to be handled from backend from developer end.
    2.from the web side I create meeting which we do the registration and pass a token ( by security shield) if the same url is passed to android I get the use to registration form and waits for host registration confirmation ,so how to handle this in android .
    Note: opts.no_webinar_register_dialog I have passed it true on joining the meeting, still the problem occurs,

I have also tried to function ```
public void onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail(InMeetingEventHandler eventHandler) {
eventHandler.setRegisterWebinarInfo(this.username,, false);

I get error as 
error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
1 error

I am totally confused how to handle this ,please guide me how to pass the username and email from the backend ,so user can join the meeting immediately
**Which version?**

on 18 Nov 2020 I use this version
**To Reproduce(If applicable)**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to join meeting
2. Click on giving the meeting ID and password
3. It opens zoom screen as connecting
4. Webinar registration pop up is seen





**Smartphone (please complete the following information):**
 - Device: android 
 - OS: newer version
 - Version 21

**Additional context**
I am planning even for iOS separately how can I over come this problem  please provide me a solution for this 🙂

this the 2nd screen shot

Third screen shot of the above discussed problem

Hi @praveen.praveen.kuma, thanks for using the dev forum.

Are you using the SDK in a native app, or in a flutter app? We have seen similar behavior within a flutter app, but cannot reproduce it in our sample app.
