How to make webinar as mandate to register and auto approval through REST API

Hello Support Team,

Could you please suggest How to make webinar as mandate for registration and auto approval through REST API.

I am unable to do this, I reffered your “Create Webinar” method and tried all three registartion types as below. But it didn’t helped me.

Please help!

Hi @shrihari.kale,

If you’re trying to use any of the registration_types, the webinar type needs to type: 9 - Recurring webinar with a fixed time, approval_type: 0 - Automatically approve, then you should be able to choose registration_type.


Let me know if that helps!


Thanks Michael!

Here is my JSON data to create webinar via REST API
for type: 9 - Recurring webinar with a fixed time , approval_type: 0 - Automatically approve
“topic”:“VT test 19”,
“timezone”:“Honolulu (Hawaii Time, GMT-10:00)”,

But it throws error - 400 Bad Request

However I tried with type-5 webinar, it properly created webinar under Zoom portal

“topic”:“VT test 19”,
“timezone”:“Honolulu (Hawaii Time, GMT-10:00)”,

I need your help here to make webinar as mandate for registration and auto approved. Refer below screen

Hey @shrihari.kale,

Can you try this JSON request body. (this worked for me)

  "topic": "Test Rec Rec",
  "type": 9,
  "start_time": "2019-07-20T01:00:00",
  "duration": "30",
  "timezone": "",
  "recurrence": {
    "type": 1
  "settings": {
    "approval_type": 0,
    "registration_type": 2

Hi Tommy,

I tried your solution but it didn’t worked for me.

Here is my JSON posted data. Please analyze the same and let me know where I making mistake.

Also my webinar is only for single session and as per your setting its a daily one.

Please help me here I loosing my deadline.

“timezone”:“Samoa (Samoa Time, GMT-11:00)”,

Hey @shrihari.kale,

When you said “I tried your solution but it didn’t worked for me.” what was the error you got?



I think the issue is you have capital S in Settings and capital R in Recurrence. These need to be lower cased. Try this request body, it worked for me,

  "topic": "sdfsd",
  "type": 9,
  "start_time": "/Date(1564515000000)/",
  "duration": 10,
  "timezone": "Samoa (Samoa Time, GMT-11:00)",
  "password": "sdf",
  "agenda": "",
  "recurrence": {
    "type": 1
  "settings": {
    "host_video": false,
    "panelists_video": false,
    "practice_session": false,
    "hd_video": false,
    "approval_type": 0,
    "registration_type": 2,
    "audio": "both",
    "auto_recording": "none",
    "enforce_login": false,
    "enforce_login_domains": null,
    "alternative_hosts": null,
    "close_registration": false,
    "show_share_button": false,
    "allow_multiple_devices": false

Let me know if this works!

Its shows error 400 Bad Request

Yes, this is also worked for me. However this is daily recurring webinar, actually we want to create webinar for single session.

NO recurring one. Colud you please share the JSON body request.

Hey @shrihari.kale,

You can reference our documentation here for the different types of webinars.

You need to change the "type" to 5. Here is the full JSON request body,

  "topic": "sdfsd",
  "type": 5,
  "start_time": "/Date(1564515000000)/",
  "duration": 10,
  "timezone": "Samoa (Samoa Time, GMT-11:00)",
  "password": "sdf",
  "agenda": "",
  "recurrence": {
    "type": 1
  "settings": {
    "host_video": false,
    "panelists_video": false,
    "practice_session": false,
    "hd_video": false,
    "approval_type": 0,
    "registration_type": 2,
    "audio": "both",
    "auto_recording": "none",
    "enforce_login": false,
    "enforce_login_domains": null,
    "alternative_hosts": null,
    "close_registration": false,
    "show_share_button": false,
    "allow_multiple_devices": false


This is worked me.

Thank you for your support!

@shrihari.kale Great! Happy to help!