i have an id webinar to api zoom and i don't have acces to this

I have this code to call the webinards id. But i have to problem i dont get de data of 21 of february about this id


url = url = baseurl + “report/webinars” + webinarid + “/participants”
querystring = {“page_size”: “300”, “include_fields”: “registrant_id”}
resp = requests.get(url, headers={‘Authorization’: f’Bearer {token_refresher.access_token}’ },params=querystring).json()
resp = pd.DataFrame([resp])

the error code is the next one

Meeting does not exist: olxnJaZTXSZBscMbhjrjw==.

It does not recognize the webinar id and in postman it appears the same way

Can you help me resolve this?

@megan281031 since this starts with a / you will need to double encode it first