I want to create meeting using JWT credentials . It works for one account (free account ) but doesnot work for other account( free account). i’m getting above error Meeting could not be created. User does not exist

The User that is already registered and is associated to a zoom_id is shown error and unable to create a meeting using error code 1001. The message is shown as :

data: {
code: 1001,
message: ‘User does not exist: ZOOM_ID.’


App Type: JWT
Account Type: Basic

Create a Meeting
POST # https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/${ZOOM_ID}/meetings



topic: topic,

type: '2',

start_time: time,

duration: duration,


password: password,

agenda: agenda,

settings: {

host_video: 'true',

participant_video: 'true',

cn_meeting: 'false',

in_meeting: 'false',

join_before_host: 'true',

mute_upon_entry: 'false',

watermark: 'false',

use_pmi: 'false',

waiting_room: false,

approval_type: '2',

audio: 'voip',

auto_recording: 'none',

enforce_login: 'false',

registrants_email_notification: false,




headers: {

'Content-Type': 'application/json',

Authorization: JWT_KEY,


Hi @ranjanbhattarai660 ,

Are you trying to use JWT token from account A to Account B? If yes, this wont work as JWT is tied to the account. You will need to use JWT from account B.

Also, please note that JWT will be deprecated in June 2023. Please consider using OAuth. Here are more details: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/auth/oauth/