Inconsistent response when requesting user details for an existing user

I have noticed inconsistend results when sending a GET request to /users/{userId}. The exact same code (golang) that runs on my local machine, using the same api and secret keys, gets a successful response whereas if I deploy the program on a remote server it gets a 404 error for the same user.

I am getting a {“code”:1001,“message”:“User does not exist:”} when requesting user details on a remote server, for a user that exists. This is inconsistent behaviour as I am amble to successfully receive the user details when running the exact same program from my laptop.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
GET /users/{userId}

Additional context
Response when running program on server:
2020/12/14 18:14:44 Request URL: https_://
2020/12/14 18:14:44 URL Parameters:
2020/12/14 18:14:44 Body Parameters: null
2020/12/14 18:14:44 JWT Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MDc5Njc0ODQsImlzcyI6IlFHVGg4a1dDUmp1NkJLbW10Z1IzUFEifQ.ASDxPmdwwR1i6vWpoH0FzLs6aE62rOGumQNoYxLrbrQ
2020/12/14 18:14:44 Response Body: {“code”:1001,“message”:“User does not exist:”}
time=“2020-12-14T18:14:44+02:00” level=error msg=“Zoom API error 1001: “User does not exist:”” method=EditMeetingDetails package=handlers.meeting.zoom

Response when running program on my laptop:
2020/12/14 18:34:04 Request URL: https_://
2020/12/14 18:34:04 URL Parameters:
2020/12/14 18:34:04 Body Parameters: null
2020/12/14 18:34:04 JWT Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MDc5Njg2NDQsImlzcyI6InNNcUlwSWFnU0VtN0hibDdaaTIzVVEifQ.IeLPtcDFkfqCil-RGtdWBFhyDiaPd_QxDvFUUxbUcnI
2020/12/14 18:34:04 Response Body: {“id”:“KUMRJf1FRlOZ3omy1oT7Kg”,“first_name”:“Era”,“last_name”:“Mall iii”,“email”:“”,“type”:1,“role_name”:“Owner”,“pmi”:9181252404,“use_pmi”:false,“personal_meeting_url”:“",“timezone”:“Europe/Athens”,“verified”:1,“dept”:"",“created_at”:“2020-12-14T10:48:40Z”,“last_login_time”:“2020-12-14T10:48:40Z”,“host_key”:“021007”,“cms_user_id”:"",“jid”:“”,“group_ids”:[],“im_group_ids”:[],“account_id”:“AKg7wxu1TiWPOslyB-hOIw”,“language”:“en-US”,“phone_country”:"",“phone_number”:"",“status”:“active”,“job_title”:"",“location”:"”}

(I have intentionally modified the https:// prefix because I couldn’t create post with more than 2 links)

Thank you for your help

Hi @vsiii,

Thanks for reaching out about this—strange. Can you try passing the user ID in place of the email address and see if that makes a difference? Additionally, can you try regenerating the JWT key and ensure it belongs to the same account as the user?


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