Integrate Zoom Meetings by other Users

I want to integrate Zoom Meetings into a web platform, offering multiple users a way to broadcast their meeetings.
That would mean having meeting id’s and passwords, but no access to signatures or API keys.
Is there a way to implement that using the WebSDK ?
Thanks in advance!

Hey @ube,

You can use an OAuth App to get a Zoom users authorization for you to create meetings on their behalf.

Due note that with the Web SDK you can join an external users meeting, but you cannot start them.


Hi Tommy,

If i understand you right, with an OAuth-App i could create meetings, which i don’t really need at this point.

I’d be quite glad to be able to just join an external users meeting, thats more than enough, but even for joining it looks as if i need a signed token?



Hey @ube,

Gotcha! You can join external users meetings though! You just need to generate a Web SDK signature with the meeting number you want to join.


Hi Tommy,
Yes, but that signature has to be generated using the API Key and Secret of the external meeting’s owner, right ?
I can not create it based simply on the meeting id and password, using my own signing information. Which in turn means that its back to the JWT way.
If there is a way based on ID and Password for meetings owned by others, please let me know how to find that info in the docs.


Hey @ube,

Nope, you can generate the Web SDK signature with your JWT credentials to join external meetings.
