Ionic zoom sdk error "MobileRTCAuthError_Unknown"

I have used ionic zoom cordova plugin and called the Auth API with correct key and secret. I get " MobileRTCAuthError_Unknown" error.

My xcode version is 11.
Cordova version is 8.
Cordova iOS version is 4.5.5.

Hi Vijay,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Can you provide some other info like a system log or console output that helps us to identify your issue? This error indicates that is something wrong but it is not a common error.


Hi @carson.zoom

Thanks for your quick update and i have attached the screenshots for reference.

We are using the Ionic zoom sdk plugin, while initialise the zoom with ** API_KEY, API_SECRET** i am getting an error sometimes.

Using method

cordova.plugins.Zoom.initialize(‘xxxx’, ‘yyyy’, zoomInit_Pass(), zoomInit_Fails());

I don’t know the exact situation of Authentication failure.

Some time work as expected but some times not works and return “Unknown error: Please try again”

Thanks in advance.

Hi vijay,

Thank you very much for your reply and your screenshot(Please beware that your SDK keys and secrets are shown in the picture, please regenerate your keys&secrets in The method you are referring to and the behavior you are experiencing looks like an asynchronization issue. Do you have ionic-native@5.20+ installed? If so, please try to use Zoom Ionic SDK via ionic-native as the async calls are handled within it. I am guessing the unknown error is caused by the multiple/frequent initialization request to the server.

Please follow the instruction shown in our doc to use Ionic SDK:

Let me know if you have any other findings. Thanks!