IQ for sales API upload of recordings, metadata and transcript schema documentation

I’m trying to use the zoom iq for sales conversations API to import existing meetings.

I’m able to upload recordings like this:

curl -x post --form file='@~/test.mp4' -H 'Host:' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}"


The /iq/files endpoint claims to support unloading metadata and transcripts:

  • Supported transcript and file attachment format: .json . The fileName must end with transcript.json.
  • Supported metadata and file attachment format: .json. The fileName must end with metadata.json.
  • Required file upload sequence: main file, transcript file (if necessary), metadata file (if necessary).

Does anyone know where to find the schema definitions for the metadata.json and transcript.json files? Or ideally any general documentation on this process?

Hi @josh.willhite
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community!
I am happy to help here!

I looked into the Spec for these endpoints and did not find any specification on the metadata.json and transcript.json files.
Let me take a look internally to our resources and will come back to you

Hey @elisa.zoom,

I’d be extremely grateful for any information here, thank you very much for taking a look!

  • Josh
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Are there any updates?