Is it possible to start and join zoom meetings without login?

Is it possible to start and join zoom meetings without login?

Which Client iOS SDK version?

Additional context
I have also tried the below sample code below to start a meeting without zoom login but it just shows loader for 2-3 seconds then nothing happens.

if let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService() {
        meetingService.delegate = self
        let startMeetingParameters = MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser()
        meetingService.startMeeting(with: startMeetingParameters)

Hey @therapysuccess,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Any user can join an ongoing meeting without logging in if they have the meeting number and password:

let joinMeetingParameters = MobileRTCMeetingJoinParam()

joinMeetingParameters.meetingNumber = number

joinMeetingParameters.password = password

joinMeetingParameters.userName = userName

let joinMeetingReturnValue = meetingService.joinMeeting(with: joinMeetingParameters)

However, a user must be authenticated to start a meeting. Which would mean to start a meeting, the user would have to be logged in as that meeting’s host, or would have to get a token from the zoom api:


Hey @Michael_Condon ,

It is possible to generate “Zoom Access Token (ZAK)” from the iOS application side using SDK? Or can we have any working code snippet to generate ZAK Token?

In the API we will have a user id to pass which user id we have to pass? Token generation is paid processor free? I mean it required any premium plan to generate?

Hey @therapysuccess,

Unfortunately not, the ZAK token must be retrieved from the API itself. We are hoping to provide code samples of this in the future, but do not have them handy right now.

The userID can either be the id of the user or the user’s email address. I believe the API is billed separately from the SDK, however the API section of the developer forum would know the details better than I :slight_smile: API and Webhooks - Zoom Developer Forum


Hey @Michael_Condon

If zoom account is created using Facebook or Gmail then login will work using below code?:

if let authorizationService = MobileRTC.shared().getAuthService() {
   authorizationService.login(withEmail: email, password: password, rememberMe: true)

It’s not working at my end. The above code only works if we have created our account with email only and password. Is there any solution for this?

Because almost all users are creating their zoom accounts using Gmail or Facebook. Please give solution for this as soon as possible.


  1. Can we have a working iOS SDK sample to create/start a meeting without a zoom login now?
  2. I want to start meeting without login with the working way. Please provide detailed guidance for that. (The main goal is i want to start meeting 1 to 1 user meeting without any login credentials process.)

Hey @therapysuccess,

If signing into Zoom requires using google or facebook, then no this will not work. This will only allow a Zoom email address (as in the email address used to sign into Zoom) and a Zoom password.

I can help to create some sample code for this if I have time this week.


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